Weather in South Africa in october 2024

Below, check out the weather forecast for october for most popular cities in South Africa. These predictions are probabilities for october from weather reports for many years. The percentage indicates the probability of having the weather mentioned.

Where to go in South Africa in october?

Where to go in South Africa in october: destination map

South Africa: weather map in october in different regions
South Africa: weather map in october in different regions ©

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Where to go in each region in october?

Eastern Cape
(Port Elizabeth (South Africa), East London, Coffee Bay...)
70°F to 77°F2 à 8 days67°F to 74°F
good weather*
Free State
(Bloemfontein, Harrismith, Welkom...)
76°F to 85°F2 à 5 days
perfect weather*
(Johannesburg, Pretoria, Soweto...)
83°F to 85°F4 à 5 days
good weather*
(Durban, Richards Bay, Margate...)
65°F to 81°F5 à 9 days74°F to 76°F
good weather
(Parc Kruger, Polokwane, Marakele National Park...)
83°F to 90°F1 à 4 days
perfect weather
(Nelspruit, Blyde River Canyon, Sabi Sands Reserve...)
77°F to 92°F3 à 7 days
good weather*
North West of South Africa
(Mmabatho, Rustenburg, Pilanesberg National Park...)
85°F to 90°F3 days
perfect weather
Northern Cape
(Kimberley, Upington, Port Nolloth...)
72°F to 86°F0 à 2 days59°F to 61°F
perfect weather
Western Cape
(Cape Town, George, Vredendal...)
67°F to 76°F1 à 4 days61°F to 65°F
good weather*
*over most of the region. Weather may vary locally.

Where should you go in South Africa in october when it comes to the weather?

The climate in South Africa in october ranges from perfect to good depending on the region and city.

The climatic conditions vary from one region to another due to the influence of the geographical configuration. While most localities have a pleasant climate throughout October in South Africa, the center of the territory, like Kimberly, takes advantage of the perfect combination of warmth and sunshine.

Johannesburg and Inland throughout October

All the localities in the interior enjoy a beautiful weather where the pleasant heat is often accompanied by a superb sunshine. However, some localities like Johannesburg often see stormy showers in the late afternoon and evening.

The East Coast throughout October

Precipitation is regaining momentum in October. However, the distribution of rainfall differs from one locality to another. Thus, in Durban, rain showers occur mostly at night while in Sodwana Bay, the mornings are rainy instead.

The East Coast throughout October

The rains are relatively low but compared to the climatic conditions of the rest of South Africa, the west coast is characterized by the mildness of the atmosphere - despite the presence of the sun.

The Southern Coast throughout October

Just as for the Atlantic coast, the mornings are cool on the southern coast. In fact, the maximum temperatures rarely exceed 22° C. However, the weather in South Africa throughout October is pleasant with beautiful sunshine.

Climate in South Africa in october

Climate in Cape Town in october

In the month of october, the mean temperature in Cape Town is 67°F (maximum temperature is 72°F and minimum temperature is 61°F). The climate quite pleasant around this city in the month of october. With about 2.1in over 3 days, the rain will not be a problem throughout your trip.
With a good climate, october is a good month to go in this locality.

Average temperature 67°F
Highest temperature 72°F
Lowest temperature 61°F
Sea temperature 61°F
Rainfall 2.1in
Number of days with rainfall 3 day(s)
Humidity 74%
Daily sunshine hours 12
Cloud cover 26%
Length of day 12:55
Our opinion at perfect
more information about the climate in Cape Town in october

Climate in Bloemfontein in october

In october, maximum temperature is 83°F and minimum temperature is 65°F (for an average temperature of 74°F). The climate is quite enjoyable there in the month of october. With 1.8in over 3 days, the rain will not be a problem during your holidays.
With ideal weather conditions, october is an advisable month to go in Bloemfontein in South Africa.

Average temperature 74°F
Highest temperature 83°F
Lowest temperature 65°F
Rainfall 1.8in
Number of days with rainfall 3 day(s)
Humidity 43%
Daily sunshine hours 13
Cloud cover 13%
Length of day 12:46
Our opinion at perfect
more information about the climate in Bloemfontein in october

Climate in Durban in october

In the month of october, maximum temperature is 76°F and minimum temperature is 68°F (for an average temperature of 72°F). The climate pleasant in this city in october. With 5.1in over 7 days, rainfall can happen throughout your journey. But this is rather moderate and you will not be too bothered by it.
With a good weather, october is an advisable month to go in that area.

Average temperature 72°F
Highest temperature 76°F
Lowest temperature 68°F
Sea temperature 73°F
Rainfall 5.1in
Number of days with rainfall 7 day(s)
Humidity 79%
Daily sunshine hours 12
Cloud cover 48%
Length of day 12:48
Our opinion at good
more information about the climate in Durban in october

Climate in Johannesburg in october

In the month of october, the mean temperature in Johannesburg is 76°F (maximum temperature is 83°F and minimum temperature is 68°F). The climate comfortable in that locality in the month of october. With 3.7in over 5 days, rain may occur for your vacations. But this is rather moderate and you will not be too bothered by it.
With good weather conditions, the month of october is a good month to go in this city in South Africa.

Average temperature 76°F
Highest temperature 83°F
Lowest temperature 68°F
Rainfall 3.7in
Number of days with rainfall 5 day(s)
Humidity 52%
Daily sunshine hours 13
Cloud cover 16%
Length of day 12:41
Our opinion at good
more information about the climate in Johannesburg in october

Climate in Kimberley in october

In the month of october, the mean temperature in Kimberley is 76°F (maximum temperature is 85°F and minimum temperature is 67°F). The climate quite good here in this month. With about 1in over 1 days, rainfall is infrequent during your holidays.
With ideal weather conditions, october is a recommended time to go in Kimberley in South Africa.

Average temperature 76°F
Highest temperature 85°F
Lowest temperature 67°F
Rainfall 1in
Number of days with rainfall 1 day(s)
Humidity 36%
Daily sunshine hours 13
Cloud cover 13%
Length of day 12:46
Our opinion at perfect
more information about the climate in Kimberley in october

All cities in South Africa in october

Cape Town in octoberperfect weather
Bloemfontein in octoberperfect weather
Durban in octobergood weather
Johannesburg in octobergood weather
Kimberley in octoberperfect weather
Nelspruit in octobergood weather
Parc Kruger in octoberperfect weather
Port Elizabeth (South Africa) in octobergood weather
Pretoria in octobergood weather
Blyde River Canyon in octoberperfect weather
Coffee Bay in octobergood weather
East London in octobergood weather
George in octobergood weather
Harrismith in octoberperfect weather
Marakele National Park in octoberperfect weather
Margate in octobergood weather
Mmabatho in octoberperfect weather
Polokwane in octoberperfect weather
Pilanesberg National Park in octoberperfect weather
Port Nolloth in octoberperfect weather
Richards Bay in octobergood weather
See full list of cities (104)

Weather data for South Africa in october:

Weather data for South Africa in october is derived from an average of the weather forecast since 2009 in South Africa. There is a margin of error and these forecasts are to be considered as general information only. The weather in South Africa can vary slightly from year to year, but these predictions should limit surprises. So you can pack your bags and check when is the best time to go to South Africa.

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